Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol.41, No.5, 1171-1181, 2002
Testing total oxidation catalysts for gas cleanup in waste incineration at pilot scale
Seven different total oxidation catalysts (PRO*CLEAN*500; EF 258 H/D; Siemens A; ZERONOX; and Ru, Pd, and V2O5 on a TiO2 support) have been tested for abatement of principal organic hazardous compounds (POHCs) in the flue gas from a waste incinerator of the fluidized-bed type. These catalysts were placed in a slip flow downstream from the waste incinerator. The catalytic reactors used were both metallic and glass, made for monoliths and for particulates. The temperatures used in the catalytic reactors ranged from 240 to 510 C, and the volumetric gas hourly space velocities (GHSVs) ranged from 1200 to 5700 [(m(gas,normal conditions)(3)/h)/m(catalyst)(3)]. The catalysts operated under a realistic flue gas, which was sampled before and after the catalytic reactor at different times on stream. Condensates after the catalytic reactor were also analyzed for organics and for compounds sometimes lost from the catalyst. Gas sampling and analysis were carried out using standarized methods. Conversions (destructions) of most of the POHCs were 99.99%, but small GHSV values were required. Experimental conditions for an even more refined catalyst comparison are also provided.