Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol.74, No.3, 411-418, 1996
Evaluation of the Local Composition Model for VLE of Binary-Mixtures of Triethylene Glycol with Methane, Water and Benzene
This work evaluated the predictive accuracy of the local composition model (LCM) formulation developed by Li et al. (1986) for four binary, vapor-liquid equilibria (VLE) mixtures. The four components comprising these mixtures were benzene, triethylene glycol (TEG), water and methane, while the mixtures examined in this work were the benzene-TEG, water-TEG, methane-TEG and methane-benzene systems. The Khan-Chung-Lee-Starling (KCLS) equation of state developed by Chung et al. (1984) was used with the LCM to predict the VLE behavior of these systems. The accurate results obtained in this work may be applied to the design of natural gas dehydration processes.