Journal of Materials Science, Vol.35, No.24, 6267-6275, 2000
Measurements of crack tip strain field in wood at the scale of growth rings
The fracture mechanisms of wood have often been interpreted on the scale of cell walls. Although this scale is important, the scale of growth rings needs to be considered in the same context. In the present study, the crack tip strain field of radial TR cracks at the scale of growth rings is measured by electronic speckle photography. The methodology is discussed in detail as well as the data reduction scheme. The tip is in the earlywood layer and the crack plane of the TR crack is perpendicular to the stiffer latewood layer. Increasing opening mode load is applied in-situ as the crack is observed by reflected light optical microscopy. Strains are measured on direct images of the microstucture. In contrast to some other methodologies, this allows direct correlation between strain field and microstructure. In the softer earlywood, tangential strains extend considerable distances in the tangential direction. Due to the stiff latewood, the strain is heavily constrained in the radial direction. This nature of the local strain field has been largely neglected, despite its obuius significance to TR crack growth mechanisms.