Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol.40, No.3, 973-979, 2001
Equation of state for nonpolar, polar, chain, and associating fluids based on the dipolar Yukawa potential
An equation of state (EOS) based on Yukawa and dipolar Yukawa potentials is presented. It is extended to chainlike and associating fluids in the framework of statistical associating fluid theory (SAFT). The EOS is applied to 42 pure real fluids (including nonpolar, polar, and associating fluids) and has a good description of saturated pressures and coexistence curves for these fluids, except very near to the critical point. The parameters for each fluid are regressed from experimental data. Some comparisons among this work, the original SAFT, and the Lennard-Jones (LJ)-based SAFT are carried out. The performance for real polar fluids is also compared between the dipolar Yukawa fluids (DYF) and the Stockmayer fluids (STMF).