HWAHAK KONGHAK, Vol.16, No.1, 37-47, February, 1978
실리카젤-물 층을 통과한 누출유의 동특성 변화에 대한 실험식
Experimental Correlations of Dynamic Characteristics Change in Leaked Oil through Silica Gel and Water
오일이 실리카젤과 물을 통과하여 누출될 때 UOP K 인자는 정온, 정압하에서 오일과 물의 유속, 오일이 통과하여온 실리카젤의 양과 오일이 누출된 이후의 시간의 함수로 나타난다. 또한 오일의 실리카젤에 대한 흡착실험에서 C11 비점범위에 속해 있는 어느 한 성분이 가장 선택적으로 흡착됨을 발견했고, 이 성분을 「주」성분이라 칭했다. 이 「주」성분의 농도 역시 q, W, G 및 t의 함수로 나타내며, 이 「주」성분과 UOP K 인자에 대해서 실험식을 얻었다. 이 실험식은 누출유의 유원 및 원천유의 특성을 아는데 사용될 수 있다. 이 연구에서 또한 용적평균탄소수로부터 UOP K 인자와 용적평균비점을 계산할 수 있는 두 식을 얻었다.
During leakage-oil study the dynamic & distributed K factor concept has been suggested and proven. The oil passing out through the silica gel and water, the UOP K factor varies as functions of the oil and water flow rate, the quantity of silica gel the passed through, and the history of the leaked oil under isothermal and isobaric condition. And it was found from adsorption test of oil on silica gel that a component in C11 boiling range was the most selectively adsorbed and was taken as a key component. The key component varies also with the q, W, G and t. The empirical equations obtained for these two key variables, K and the key component, could be used for evaluating the original location of the leakage oil source and the original characteristics of the leakage oil.
In this study other two empirical equations was developed ; by using these equations the UOP K factor and volume average boiling point can be predicted from volume average carbon number which can easily be calculated from the gas chromatograms of oils.
In this study other two empirical equations was developed ; by using these equations the UOP K factor and volume average boiling point can be predicted from volume average carbon number which can easily be calculated from the gas chromatograms of oils.