Powder Technology, Vol.105, No.1-3, 418-423, 1999
An on-line pressure vessel rheometer for slurries
An on-line rheometer, suitable for use with slurries, has been developed at Michigan Technological University. This rheometer can be used with both Newtonian and non-Newtonian slurries, and produces complete shear rate/shear stress curves which characterize the time-independent rheology of the slurry. The sensor utilizes the Hagen-Poiseuille equation and Boyle's law to calculate the shear rate, slurry flow rate, and shear stress from a series of pressure measurements. The design of the unit allows the measurement sample to be continuously collected from operating process streams in the often-hostile on-line environment. The shear rate/shear stress curves can be used to conveniently calculate the apparent viscosity at any given shear rate, and also to measure any yield stress or other deviations from Newtonian behavior.