HWAHAK KONGHAK, Vol.6, No.2, 69-76, June, 1968
국산점토의 계면하전성과 흡착성에 관한 연구
A Study on the Surface Characterics and Adsorption Properties of Korean Clays
Three clay types of Korean clays were chosen for comparative purposes in surface characteristics and adsorption properties. The electrophoretic mobility and settling velocity of each clay sample was measured with its suspension.
The isoelectric point of the kaolinite type clay was found in the strong acidic region, but other clays showed themselves always charged negatively and of high zetapotential.
It was also studied the adsorption properties to be changed depend on the electric character of the particle surface with several cation and anion.
The isoelectric point of the kaolinite type clay was found in the strong acidic region, but other clays showed themselves always charged negatively and of high zetapotential.
It was also studied the adsorption properties to be changed depend on the electric character of the particle surface with several cation and anion.