Korean Journal of Materials Research, Vol.31, No.5, 296-300, May, 2021
단일 롤 방법으로 제작한 3원계 Al-Cr-Si 급냉리본의 구조 및 열 특성
Structure and Thermal Properties of a Ternary Al-Cr-Si Quenching Ribbon Manufactured by Single Roll Method
Al-Cr-Si ternary quench ribbons are fabricated using a single roll method and investigated for their structural and thermal properties. In particular, the sinterability is examined by pulse current sintering to obtain the following results. The Al74Cr20Si6 composition becomes a quasicrystalline single phase; by reducing the amount of Cr, it becomes a twophase mixed structure of Al phase and quasicrystalline phase. As a result of sintering of Al74Cr20Si6, Al77Cr13Si10 and Al90Cr6Si4 compositions, the sintering density is increased with the large amount of Al phase; the sintering density is the highest in Al90Cr6Si4 composition. In addition, as a result of investigating the effects of sintering temperature and pressurization on the sintered density of Al90Cr6Si4, a sintered compact of 99% or more at 513 K and 500 MPa is produced. In particular, since the Al-Cr-Si ternary crystal is more thermally stable than the Al-Cr binary quaternary crystal, it is possible to increase the sintering temperature by about 100 K. Therefore, using an alloy of Al90Cr6Si4 composition, a sintered compact having a sintered density of 99 % or more at 613 K and 250 MPa can be manufactured. It is possible to increase the sintering temperature by using the alloy system as a ternary system. As a result, it is possible to produce a sintered body with higher density than that possible using the binary system, and at half the pressure compared with the conventional Al-Cr binary system.
Keywords:Al-Cr-Si ternary crystal;single roll method;pulse current sintering;quasicrystalline single phase
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