Current Microbiology, Vol.77, No.8, 1590-1599, 2020
Testing the Potential of Regulatory Sigma Factor Mutants for Wastewater Purification or Bioreactor Run in High Light
It is shown that a freshly inoculated culture of the model cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 consumed almost all phosphate and 50% of nitrate within 6 days from the nutrient-rich BG-11 growth medium, indicating potential of cyanobacteria to purify wastewaters. Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 control strain also collected nutrients efficiently from a landfill leachate wastewater KA2 (5.9-6.9 mM ammonium and 0.073-0.077 mM phosphate). Wastewaters might induce oxidative stress to microalgae, which prompted us to test growth of sigma factor inactivation strains, as Delta sigBCE and Delta sigCDE strains show superior growth in chemically induced oxidative stress. All cyanobacterial strains, including a stress-sensitive strain Delta sigBCDE, grew well in KA2 for four days, indicating that KA2 did not cause immediate oxidative stress. Completely arrested growth and bleaching of Delta sigBCDE cells after one week in KA2 wastewater point to the importance of group 2 sigma factor-mediated changes in gene expression during wastewater treatment. The growth of Delta sigBCD was arrested early in un-buffered and Hepes buffered (pH 7.5) KA2. In Delta sigBCD, all phosphate transporter genes are upregulated in standard conditions, and Delta sigBCD cells showed growth defects in low-phosphate BG-11 medium. Delta sigBCD cells removed phosphate slower from KA2 than the control strain, but phosphate supplementation of KA2 did not improve growth of Delta sigBCD. The Delta sigBCE strain showed superior growth in a laboratory-scale bioreactor in bright light and removed phosphate even slightly more efficiently than the control strain if KA2 was Hepes buffered although Delta sigBCE grew slowly in un-buffered KA2 and in low-phosphate BG-11 medium. The results indicate that engineering expression of regulatory group 2 sigma factor(s) might be useful for practical applications.