Chemie Ingenieur Technik, Vol.92, No.7, 960-966, 2020
Autonome Maschinen oder komplexe Automaten - wer ist fur Algorithmen verantwortlich?Autonomous Machines or Complex Automats - Who is Responsible for Al Algorithms?
One of the fundamental questions discussed in the course of the development towards Industry 4.0 is that of responsibility for machines. The inner-juridical discussion of this issue suffers from the unclear concept of artificial intelligence and the fascination about the creation of very high technical performance while lightning-fast access to a huge amount of information or the determination of previously undiscovered correlations between individual phenomena is no indication of the appearance of the superhuman. Technicians, on the other hand, are confused about the differentiations by which lawyers approach the question of responsibility. This article aims at bridging the gap in order to strengthen the interdisciplinary dialogue.