AIChE Journal, Vol.42, No.7, 2069-2079, 1996
Protein Separation by Continuous-Flow Electrophoresis in Microgravity
During the IML-2 space shuttle mission, the RAMSES instrument was operated in the Spacelab module. This continuous-flow electrophoresis device performs separation and purification of protein solutions on a preparative scale. Samples containing artificial mixtures of pure proteins were used to test the capabilities of the device and useful separations were obtained for proteins having a mobility difference of only 3 x 10(-9) m(2) . V-1. s(-1) Operating conditions that cannot be applied on earth were explored for two different sample concentrations, one of which is too high to allow treatment on earth. It agrees well with a previously published numerical model in that the main cause of loss in resolution in this process is the electrohydrodynamic spreading of the protein filaments.