Bioresource Technology, Vol.284, 178-187, 2019
Torrefaction performance of camellia shell under pyrolysis gas atmosphere
In order to complete using the pyrolysis gas and heat from biomass routine pyrolysis, the camellia shell was torrefied under PG atmosphere. And the chemical and physical properties of torrefied char obtained under N-2 and pyrolysis gas were compared as well as the pyrolysis and combustion performance. Moreover, in order to investigate the mechanism of pyrolysis gas torrefaction, the influence of each composition such as H-2, CO2 and CH4 in pyrolysis gas on the torrefaction performance was also been studied. The results show pyrolysis gas improves the volatile matter content and heat value of the torrefied char. Moreover, pyrolysis gas promotes the degradation of cellulose and hemicellulose. Chemical structure is different for torrefied char under pyrolysis gas and N-2 atmosphere. And each composition in pyrolysis gas plays synergy role to the severity of torrefied char. The combustion kinetic of torrefied char were calculated using the Friedman method and the Ozawa-Flynn-Wall method.
Keywords:Torrefaction;Pyrolysis gas;Torrefied char;Physical and chemical properties;Pyrolysis and combustion kinetic