Korean Chemical Engineering Research, Vol.56, No.5, 738-751, October, 2018
Thermal Oxidative Purification of Detonation Nanodiamond in a Gas-Solid Fluidized Bed Reactor
The effect of the reaction temperature and reaction time on the thermal oxidative purification quality of detonation nanodiamond (NDsoot) was investigated in a gas-solid fluidized bed reactor of a 0.10 m-ID × 1.0 m-high stainless steel column with zirconia beads (dSV = 99.2 μm). The carbon conversion increased with increasing the reaction temperature; however, when the reaction temperature was greater than 773 K, the carbon conversion did not increase. The content of sp3-hybridized carbon at the reaction temperature of 703 K barely changed when the reaction time was more than 30 minutes, but at 773 K, the content decreased as preferred. At 703 K, the purification quality increased with the increasing reaction time; however, at 773 K, the purification quality increased up to 30 minutes and then decreased rapidly.
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