International Journal of Control, Vol.91, No.5, 1076-1090, 2018
Sampled-data chain-observer design for a class of delayed nonlinear systems
The problem of observer design is addressed for a class of triangular nonlinear systems with not-necessarily small delay and sampled output measurements. One more difficulty is that the system state matrix is dependent on the un-delayed output signal which is not accessible to measurement, making existing observers inapplicable. A new chain observer, composed of m elementary observers in series, is designed to compensate for output sampling and arbitrary large delays. The larger the time-delay the larger the number m. Each elementary observer includes an output predictor that is conceived to compensate for the effects of output sampling and a fractional delay. The predictors are defined by first-order ordinary differential equations (ODEs) much simpler than those of existing predictors which involve both output and state predictors. Using a small gain type analysis, sufficient conditions for the observer to be exponentially convergent are established in terms of the minimal number m of elementary observers and the maximum sampling interval.