Korean Industrial Chemistry News, Vol.21, No.2, 16-23, April, 2018
[기획특집: 미세먼지 현황과 기술] 미세먼지 입자의 측정분석원리 고찰
Review of Analysis Principle of Fine Dust
The national standard test method for air pollution employs a weight basis method and β-ray absorption to evaluate the aerated dust in indoor and outdoor air. The weight basis method collects the dust for a long time, which limits to find the time variation of atmospheric dust concentration despite of relatively accurate average data. Since the method using β-ray absorption measures the dust concentration every 50 minute, it does not present real-time data. Thus, light scattering method has often been studied in these days, and US EPA has approved it as a analytical tool, but it still needs to be improved due to its variation of precision depending on environmental condition. This study reviews the current dust analytical methods including official standards and new technologies.