Energy Policy, Vol.113, 94-96, 2018
The Massetti et al. criticisms of Trainer's critique of the 2014 IPCC Report on renewable energy: A reply by Trainer
The criticism Massetti et al. (2017) make is essentially that my analysis of the 2014 IPCC Report (Trainer, 2017) is mistaken because it confuses the "macroeconomic" or reduction in GDP cost of mitigation, which is focal in Chapter 6, with the investment or capital cost, which is considered in Chapter 16. This claim is stated, but no space is given to showing what the confusion is supposed to be, or to explaining how it invalidates my analysis. The following brief notes make clear that these two issues were not confused in my analysis and that the comments from Massetti et al. do not cast doubt on my critique of the IPCC Report.