Energy Conversion and Management, Vol.151, 439-456, 2017
Performances' investigation of different photovoltaic water pumping system configurations for proper matching the optimal location, in desert area
The standard sizing methodology of photovoltaic water pumping system is limited only on how to determine at least the number and type of solar panels required for capturing the needed solar energy, by considering the daily water flow and the total dynamic head. However, the feedbacks following different on-site operating tests proved that the lack of information on the geospatial of the area led to unexpected dysfunctions and failure in the system optimality. Accordingly, any deficiency in the comprehensive feasibility study, regarding the specifics of the soil, the climate, groundwater behavior, water demand/supply balance, technique of irrigation and kind of activity, can be the main hindrance to obtain a reliable system. Through this attempt, the field performance suitability of four different photovoltaic water pumping system configurations, namely; (DC/PVPS1), (DC/PVPS2), (DC/PVPS3) and (DC/PVPS4) have been investigated and discussed, according to the Ghardaia land specifics. Based on the characterization data, obtained following the test carried out on the mentioned configurations, at our PV water pumping test facility, the system performances have been assessed, at different pumping head levels ranging from 10 m until 30 m. In the meanwhile, the hydraulic characteristics have been calculated and the corresponding required peak powers have been estimated, for different dust and thermal losses. Thus, upon the geospatial characteristic distribution of the Ghardaia territory, each system configuration has been optimally matched to the suitable location. The adopted methodology can be an efficient tool to select technically and economically the appropriate system to the suitable area.