Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol.139, No.32, 10952-10955, 2017
Aminofutalosine Synthase: Evidence for Captodative and Aryl Radical Intermediates Using beta-Scission and S(RN)1 Trapping Reactions
Aminofutalosine synthase (MqnE) is a radical SAM enzyme involved in the menaquinone biosynthetic pathway. In this communication, we propose a novel mechanism for this reaction involving the addition of the adenosyl radical to the substrate double bond to form a captodative radical followed by rearrangement and decarboxylation to form an aryl radical anion which is then oxidized by the [4Fe-4S](+2) cluster. Consistent with this proposal, we describe the trapping of the captodative radical and the aryl radical anion using radical triggered C-Br fragmentation reactions. We also describe the trapping of the captodative radical by replacing the vinylic carboxylic acid with an amide.