Fuel, Vol.208, 692-700, 2017
Thermally-induced wettability alteration from hot-water imbibition in naturally fractured reservoirs-Part 2: 2D models, sensitivity study & heavy oil
Hot-water injection can enhance oil recovery in naturally fractured reservoirs by altering wettability from oil-or intermediate-wet to more water-wet in the matrix. This process can reduce residual oil saturation in the matrix where, as a result, the relative permeability curves and capillary pressure will change. Therefore, the trapped oil in the matrix can flow into the fracture network. Part 1 described the wettability alteration process from hot-water imbibition along with the numerical model development and 1D examples. Part 2 presents the results from a series of 2D models and sensitivity study for both light-oil and heavy-oil cases in naturally fractured reservoirs. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords:Wettability;Thermal EOR;Naturally fractured reservoirs;Water imbibition;Optimum injection time