Macromolecular Research, Vol.25, No.9, 905-912, September, 2017
Hydroxyapatite Nucleation and Growth on Collagen Electrospun Fibers Controlled with Different Mineralization Conditions and Phosvitin
In a tenfold-concentrated simulated body fluid, a strategy for rapid depositionof a biomimetic calcium phosphate layer on the scaffolds of electrospun collagen nanofiber membranes was developed. The aim of this study was to explore the effects of mineralization conditions and phosvitin (PV) on hydroxyapatite nucleation and growth. The mineralization model, the pH of the environment, and the deposition time were optimized. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images demonstrated that homogeneous and well-crystallized inorganic mineral layers were generated in the dynamic mineralization model system after incubating 3 h at pH 5.7. PV, which possesses the highest level of phosphorylation among egg proteins, was used as a model protein to investigate the contribution of PV in the mineralization process. The morphological structure and composition of the collagen/calcium phosphate composite nanofibers were also characterized by energy dispersive spectroscopy, scanning photoelectron spectrometer, X-ray diffraction (XRD), and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. XRD results showed the transformation process of mineralization materials from dicalcium phosphate dihydrate (DCPD) to HA through the changes of characteristic peaks at approximately 11° of DCPD and 31.8° of HA. 1.0 mg/mL. Phosvitin significantly promoted the phase transformation from DCPD to hydroxyapatite. High performance liquid chromatography results indicated that PV induced the mineralization rather than being the part of the hydroxyapatite. The minerals formed on electrospun collagen nanofiber membranes were identified to be from hydroxyapatite. These findings extended the potential application field of PV to biomimetic material.
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