Korean Journal of Materials Research, Vol.27, No.8, 431-437, August, 2017
스테인레스강 SS420의 입계예민화에 의한 피트 부식
Pit Corrosion of SS420 Stainless Steel by Grain Boundary Sensitization
This study investigated the surface pit corrosion of SS420J2 stainless steel accompanied by intergranular crack. To reveal the causes of surface pits and cracks, OM, SEM, and TEM analyses of the microstructures of the utilized SS420J2 were performed, as was simulated heat treatment. The intergranular cracks were found to have been induced by a grain boundary carbide of (Cr,Fe)23C6, which was identified by SEM/EDS and TEM diffraction analyses. The mechanism of grain boundary sensitization occurred at the position of the carbide, followed by its occurrence at the Cr depleted zone. The grain boundary carbide of (Cr,Fe)23C6 type precipitated during air cooling condition after a 1038 °C solid solution treatment. The carbide precipitate formation also accelerated at the band structure formed by cold working. Therefore, using manufacturing processes of cooling and cold working, it is difficult to protect SS420J2 stainless steel against surface pit corrosion. Several counter plans to fight pit corrosion by sensitization were suggested, involving alloying and manufacturing processes.
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