Electrophoresis, Vol.38, No.1, 20-32, 2017
Recent progress of sample stacking in capillary electrophoresis (2014-2016)
The term sample stacking comprises a relatively broad spectrum of techniques that already form an almost inherent part of the methodology of CZE. Their principles are different but the effect is the same: concentration of a diluted analyte into a narrow zone and considerable increase of the method sensitivity. This review brings a survey of papers on electrophoretic sample stacking published approximately since the second quarter of 2014 till the first quarter of 2016. It is organized according to the principles of the stacking methods and includes chapters aimed at the concentration adjustment principle (Kohlrausch stacking), techniques based on pH changes, micellar methods, and other stacking techniques. Not reviewed are papers on transient ITP that are covered by another review in this issue.