Korean Journal of Materials Research, Vol.26, No.11, 644-648, November, 2016
Fluctuation of Solid-Liquid Interface of Faceted Phase and Nonfaceted Phase by Periodic Temperature Variation
In order to examine how the solid-liquid interface responds to temperature variation depending on the materials characteristics, i.e. faceted phase or nonfaceted phase, the moving solid-liquid interface of transparent organic material, as a model substance for metallic materials (pivalic acid, camphene, salol, and camphor-50wt% naphthalene) was observed in-situ. Plots of the interface movement distance against time were obtained. The solid-liquid interface of the nonfaceted phase is atomically rough; it migrates in continuous mode, giving smooth curves of the distance-time plot. This is the case for pivalic acid and camphene. It was expected that the faceted phases would show different types of curves of the distance-time plot because of the atomically smooth solid-liquid interface. However, salol (faceted phase) shows a curve of the distance-time plot as smooth as that of the nonfaceted phases. This indicates that the solid-liquid interface of salol migrates as continuously as that of the nonfaceted phases. This is in contrast with the case of naphthalene, one of the faceted phases, for which the solidliquid interface migrates in “stop and go” mode, giving a stepwise curve of the distance-time plot.
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