Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol.33, No.6, 1954-1963, June, 2016
Colloidal dispersion gels based on sulfonated polyacrylamide and chromium triacetate for harsh-environment
The aim of this study was to outline the preparation of colloidal dispersion gels (CDGs) based on sulfonated polyacrylamide (SPA) and chromium triacetate and investigating their stability in harsh conditions. The effect of crosslinker, polymer concentration, salinity, and gelation time and temperature on the formation, rheological behavior and size distribution of CDGs and also their thermo-chemical stabilities were investigated. It was found that the shear viscosity and size of CDGs decreased with increasing of preparation time. Dynamic light scattering and scanning electron microscopy evaluations showed that the size of CDGs particles decreased with increasing of the Cr3+ concentration. In addition, SPA solution had yield stress, while CDGs did not. The elevation of temperature inhibits while the salinity does not disturb the formation of CDGs. In the systems with lower polymer concentration, CDGs were formed. Conversely, in the systems with higher polymer concentration, bulk gels were formed. After aging, CDG sample had a minimal viscosity loss, indicating its exceptional thermo-chemical stability.
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