Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, Vol.467, No.4, 967-972, 2015
Functional synergism of Human Defensin 5 and Human Defensin 6
The gut epithelium is critically involved in maintaining intestinal immune homeostasis. Acting as a physical barrier, it separates the intestinal microflora from cells of the immune system. In addition to its barrier function, the intestinal epithelium expresses defensins, natural, endogenous antimicrobial peptides. In humans, specialized epithelial cells, termed Paneth cells, located primarily in the small intestine express two defensins, Human Defensin-5 (HD-5) and Human Defensin-6 (HD-6). Previously, we have shown that HD-5 potently kills bacteria and induces secretion of interleukin-8 by intestinal epithelial cells. We show that HD-6 specifically and synergistically enhances the HD-5-induced IL-8 secretion, but does not alter its anti-bacterial activity. Further, we find that HD-5 decreases the trans-epithelial electrical resistance of intestinal epithelial cells and that HD-6 negates this effect of HD-5. Published by Elsevier Inc.