Journal of Loss Prevention in The Process Industries, Vol.36, 45-53, 2015
Experimental and simulation studies on the influence of carbon monoxide on explosion characteristics of methane
In underground coal mining, methane explosions often can cause tremendous disasters. In the meantime, carbon monoxide (CO), generated during the process of coal oxidation, may appear in the air. Therefore, the explosion characteristics of the mixture of CH4 and CO must be investigated to prevent gas explosion accidents in coal mines. We conducted experiments by using a 20-L nearly spherical gas explosion testing device. The software FLACS was used to simulate the explosion of the mixture of CH4 and CO at various mixing concentrations, and the simulation results corresponded to experimental results. With the increase of CO concentration, both upper and lower explosive limits of CH4 decreased. On the whole, the explosion characteristic parameters of CH4 and the mixture are similar. When CH4 concentration was below the stoichiometric concentration, the addition of CO could promote the intensity of gas explosion; oppositely, excessive CO would inhibit the gas explosion reaction. The inhibitory effects become more significant as the concentration of CH4 increases. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords:Coal mining;Methane explosions;Carbon monoxide;Explosive limits;Explosion characteristic parameters