Energy Conversion and Management, Vol.105, 810-816, 2015
Onset and steady-operation features of low temperature differential multi-stage travelling wave thermoacoustic engines for low grade energy utilization
This paper mainly discusses the onset and steady-operation features of low temperature differential multi-stage traveling wave thermoacoustic engines. The onset condition is firstly derived based on the linear network model of a four-stage thermoacoustic engine. Then, the impacts of the mean pressure, working substance, hydraulic radius of regenerator, and stage number of this thermoacoustic engine are investigated in detail on the onset temperature and self-excited oscillation frequency by applying the network model for multi-stage systems. The steady-operation features, typically the acoustic fields and performances of this multi-stage traveling wave thermoacoustic engine are also discussed in this paper. Simulation results are compared to the published experimental data in the open literature domain and showed a good agreement. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords:Onset temperature difference;Multi stage travelling wave thermoacoustic engine;Linear network model;Steady-operation performance