Applied Chemistry, Vol.5, No.2, 9-12, October, 2001
새로운 공정에 의해 염이 제거된 순수한 키토산의 유전자 전달체로서의 응용성
The Application as Gene Carriers of the Pure Chitosan Removed the Salts by the Novel Process
In this study, low molecular and water soluble free-amine chitosan(LM-WSFC) was prepared to use as the carriers fo drug or gene and its characterization was investigated using spectroscopic analysis method. Resultantly, the character of the pure LM-WSFC was quantitatively analyzed by these results. Also, LM-WSFC prepared in this experiment is highly water soluble, and can form complex with pasmids in physilogical buffer because of its high positive charges and low toxicity to cells. Through the experiments on the potential as gene carrier of LM-WSFC, it was showed that LM-WSFC is non-toxic and has higher transfection efficiency than poly-L-lysine (PLL). Therefore, LM-WSFC will be useful in the development of safe gene carriers.