Heat Transfer Engineering, Vol.36, No.5, 439-451, 2015
Numerical and Experimental Investigations of Heat Removal Performance of Sodium-to-Air Heat Exchanger Used in Fast Reactors
Sodium-to-air heat exchangers (AHX) are used in fast breeder reactors for removal of decay heat generated in the core after a reactor shutdown. The AHX is an important component of the safety-grade decay heat removal system in a fast reactor. Decay heat removal critically depends on the performance of the AHX, which is essentially a cross-flow heat exchanger with liquid sodium flowing on the tube side and air flowing across finned tubes in the cross-flow mode. In this paper, a three-dimensional numerical study is carried out to investigate the flow and heat transfer characteristics when air flows over a representative bank of finned tubes in an AHX. The computational model has been validated against published experimental benchmarks. Based on parametric studies, appropriate correlations for the Nusselt number and fin effectiveness are derived. A computationally efficient porous body model is then developed and an integrated thermal hydraulics study of AHX is carried out using the derived heat transfer correlation. The numerical predictions of the porous body model are compared with the results of an experimental AHX tested at the Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research; Kalpakkam, India. A good agreement between the results is seen.