Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol.374, No.1-2, 23-35, 1994
Use of Dynamically Adaptive-Grid Techniques for the Solution of Electrochemical Kinetic-Equations .3. An Adaptive Moving Grid Adaptive Time-Step Strategy for Problems with Discontinuous Boundary-Conditions at the Electrodes
The finite-difference adaptive moving grid strategy suggested in Parts 1 and 2 for the solution of electrochemical kinetic one-dimensional partial differential equations has been further extended to allow temporal grid adaptation as well as time-stepping across discontinuities in boundary conditions. This extension aims at the development of a general simulation algorithm, capable of a largely automatic solution of a variety of kinetic problems. The validity of the strategy developed has been tested on three examples of the modelling of electrochemical transients : square-wave-controlled potential transient in pure diffusion conditions, potential-step transient for the catalytic electrode reaction mechanism with a fast homogeneous reaction and linear potential scan voltammetric transient for an electrode reaction accompanied by a fast follow-up homogeneous dimerization reaction.