Korean Journal of Materials Research, Vol.14, No.6, 432-435, June, 2004
ECAP-Ti와 Alloy의 미세구조와 생체유사용액에서의 부식거동
Corrosion behavior in SBF and Microstructure of ECAP- Ti and Ti Alloys
Ti and Ti alloys are important materials for medical and dental applications. The effect of equal channel angular process(ECAP) and addition of Fe in Ti were studied with optical microstructure and corrosion behavior. Fine grains in Ti was obtained after ECAP. Corrosion behavior of commercial pure(CP)-Ti and Ti alloys was studied by open circuit test and polarization curve test(PCT) at 36.5 ? C with SBF in biological environment. The corrosion behavior of ECAP-Ti was similar to that of CP-Ti in PCT, but Ti-Fe alloys were observed to become more corrosive with increasing Fe content.
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