Korean Journal of Materials Research, Vol.14, No.9, 614-618, September, 2004
Mo, Nb첨가가 TiAl합금의 산화에 미치는 영향
Effect of Mo and Nb on High Temperature Oxidation of TiAl Alloys
Alloys of Ti46%Al?2%Mo?2%Nb were oxidized between 800 and 1000 ? C in air, and their oxidation characteristics were studied. The alloys displayed good oxidation resistance due mainly to the beneficial effects of Mo and Nb. The oxide scales formed consisted primarily of an outer TiO 2 layer, an intermediate Al 2 O 3 ?rich layer, and an inner mixed layer of ( TiO 2 +Al 2 O 3 ). Molybdenum and niobium dissolved in the scale effectively improved oxidation resistance. They were mainly distributed in the inner mixed layer of ( TiO 2 +Al 2 O 3 ).
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