Korean Journal of Materials Research, Vol.15, No.1, 47-53, January, 2005
기전력법에 의한 용융 ZR-(In, Sn) 합금의 활동도 측정
Activity Measurement in Liquid Zn-(In, Sn) Alloy Using E.M.F Method
The E.M.F. of the galvanic cell with fused salt was measured to determine the activities of zinc at 720-860 K over the entire composition range of liquid Zn-In and Zn-Sn alloys. The cell used was as follows: (?)W?Zn(pure)?Zn 2+ (KCl?LiCl)?Zn(inZn?InorZn?Snalloy)?W(+) The activities of zinc in the alloys showed positive deviation from Raoult's law over the entire composition range. The activity of cadmium and some thermodynamic functions such as Gibbs free energy, enthalpy and entropy were derived from the results by the thermodynamic relationship. The comparison of the results and the literature data was made. The liquid Zn-In and Zn-Sn alloys are found to be close tn the regular solution. The concentration fluctuations in long wavelength limit, S cc (o) , in the liquid alloy were calculated from the experimental results.
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