Korean Journal of Materials Research, Vol.15, No.12, 802-808, December, 2005
게터용 Zr 57 V 36 Fe 7 합금의 수소 흡수특성에 미치는 비정질화의 영향
The Effects of Amorphization on Hydrogen Absorption Properties of Zr 57 V 36 Fe 7 Getter alloy
The hydrogen sorption speeds of [Math Processing Error] amorphous alloy and its crystallized alloys were evaluated at room temperature [Math Processing Error] amorphous alloy was prepared by ball milling. The amorphous alloy was crystallized through two stages. Initially, [Math Processing Error] solid solution was appeared from the amorphous phase. Two cubic Laves compounds were precipitated afterwards from the remained amorphous and from excessively saturated solid solution at higher temperature. The hydrogen sorption speed of the partially crystallized alloy was higher than that of amorphous. The enhanced sorption speed of partially crystallized alloy was explained in terms of surface oxygen stability which has been known to retard the activation of amorphous alloys. The retardation could be reduce by crystallization process resulting in the observed increase in sorption property.
Keywords:hydrogen sorption speed;activation;Non-Evaporation Getter(NEG);amorphization;crystallization
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