Korean Journal of Materials Research, Vol.21, No.1, 46-49, January, 2011
Bi를 첨가한 백색 LED용 ZnS:Mn 황색형광체의 발광특성
Luminescent Characteristics of Bi Co-doped ZnS:Mn Yellow Phosphors for White Light Emitting Diodes
Bi co-doped ZnS:Mn,Bi yellow phosphors for white light emitting diodes were prepared by the conventional solidstate reaction method. The optical and structural properties of ZnS:Mn,Bi phosphors were investigated by x-ray diffraction, scanning electro microscopy and photoluminescence. ZnS:Mn,Bi phosphors showed XRD patterns of hexagonal structure. The photoluminescence of ZnS:Mn,Bi phosphors showed spectra extending from 480 to 700 nm, peaking at 580 nm. The photoluminescence of 580 nm in the ZnS:Mn,Bi phosphors was associated with the 4T1 → 6A1 transition of the Mn2+ ions. The highest photoluminescent intensity of the phosphors under 405 nm and 450 nm excitation was obtained at Bi concentration of 7mol%. The optimum mixing conditions with epoxy and yellow phosphor for white light emitting diodes were observed in a ratio of epoxy:yellow phosphor of 1:3.5. The CIE chromaticity of the white LED at the 1:3.5 ratio was X = 0.3454 and Y = 0.2449.
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