Korean Journal of Materials Research, Vol.22, No.12, 664-668, December, 2012
CBD 방법에 의해 제조된 ZnO 나노로드의 전기적 특성
Electrical Property of ZnO Nanorods Grown by Chemical Bath Deposition
ZnO nanorods were successfully fabricated on Zn foil by chemical bath deposition (CBD) method. The ZnO precursor concentration and immersion time affected the surface morphologies, structure, and electrical properties of the ZnO nanorods. As the precursor concentration increased, the diameter of the ZnO nanorods increased from ca. 50 nm to ca. 150 nm. The thicknesses of the ZnO nanorods were from ca. 1.98 μm to ca. 2.08 μm. ZnO crystalline phases of (100), (002), and (101) planes of hexagonal wurtzite structure were confirmed by XRD measurement. The fabricated ZnO nanorods showed a photoluminescene property at 380 nm. Especially, the ZnO nanorods deposited for 6 h in solution with a concentration of 0.005M showed a stronger (101) peak than they did (100) or (002) peaks. In addition, these ZnO nanorods showed a good electrical property, with the lowest resistance among the four samples, because the nanorods were densely in contact and relatively without pores. Therefore, a ZnO nanorod substrate is useful as a highly sensitive biochip substrate to detect biomolecules using an electrochemical method.
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