Korean Journal of Materials Research, Vol.24, No.9, 481-487, September, 2014
Fe-29%Ni-17%Co 저열팽창 합금의 피로 특성에 미치는 알파상의 영향
Effects of Alpha Phase on the Fatigue Properties of Fe-29%Ni-17%Co Low Thermal Expansion Alloy
The effect of alpha phase on the fatigue properties of Fe-29%Ni-17%Co low thermal expansion alloy wasinvestigated. Two kinds of alloys (Base alloy and Alpha alloy) were prepared by controlling the minimal alloy composition. Microstructure observation, tensile, high-cycle fatigue, and low-cycle fatigue results were measured in this study. The Base alloy microstructure showed typical austenite γ phase. Alpha alloy represented the dispersed phase in the austenite γ matrix. As a result of tensile testing, Alpha alloy was found to have higher strengths (Y.S. & T.S.) and lower elongation compared to those of the Base alloy. High cycle fatigue results showed that Alpha alloy had a higher fatigue limit (360MPa) than that (330MPa) of the Base alloy. The Alpha alloy exhibited the superior high cycle fatigue property in all of the fatigue stress conditions. SEM
fractography results showed that the alpha phase could act to effectively retard both fatigue crack initiation and crack propagation. In the case of low-cycle fatigue, the Base alloy had longer fatigue life in the high plastic strain amplitude region and the Alpha alloy showed better fatigue property only in the low plastic strain amplitude region. The fatigue deformation behavior of the Fe-29%Ni-17%Co alloy was also discussed as related with its microstructure.
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