Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.20, No.6, 4482-4490, November, 2014
Preparation, characterization and antimicrobial activity of biopolymer based nanocomposite ion exchanger pectin zirconium(IV) selenotungstophosphate: Application for removal of toxic metals
A new bio-polymer based nanocomposite, pectin zirconium(IV) selenotungstophosphate (Pc/ZSWP) was prepared via sol-gel method. The material was characterized using scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Distribution coefficient, thermal stability, elution behavior and pH titrations were investigated to explore the ion exchange behavior of nanocomposite. Pc/ZSWP exhibited higher ion exchange capacity (1.27 meq g-1) than its inorganic counterpart (0.67 meq g-1). To explore environmental applicability of the Pc/ZSWP, binary separation and selective separation of Cu2+ and Th4+ from synthetic mixtures of metal ions were achieved. Antimicrobial activity of the Pc/ZSWP was also investigated.
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