Thin Solid Films, Vol.564, 406-411, 2014
Hemi-ordered nanoporous carbon electrode material for highly selective determination of nitrite in physiological and environmental systems
Hemi-ordered nanoporous carbon (HONC) was obtained from a mesoporous silica template through a nano-replication method using furfuryl alcohol as the carbon source. The structure and morphology of HONC were characterized and analyzed in detail by X-ray diffraction, N-2-sorption, Raman spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy. HONC was then demonstrated as active electrode material for selective determination of nitrite in either physiological or environmental system. Well separated oxidation peaks of ascorbic acid, dopamine, uric acid and nitrite were observed in physiological system, and simultaneous discrimination of catechol, hydroquinone, resorcinol and nitrite in environmental system was also accomplished. Distinctly improved performances for selective determination of nitrite (such as significantly fast and sensitive current response with especially high selectivity) coexisted with ascorbic acid, dopamine and uric acid in the physiological system, as well as with catechol, hydroquinone and resorcinol in the environmental system were achieved at HONC electrode material. The excellent discriminating ability and high selectivity for NO2- determination were ascribed to the good electronic conductivity, unique hemi-ordered porous structure, large surface area and large number of edge plane defect sites contained on the surface of nanopore walls of HONC Results in this work demonstrated that HONC is one of the promising catalytic electrode materials for nitrite sensor fabrication. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords:Hemi-ordered nanoporous carbon;Simultaneous discrimination;Highly selective determination;Nitrite;Differential pulse voltammetry