Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.20, No.5, 3400-3407, September, 2014
Adsorptive removal of nitrate from synthetic and commercially available bottled water samples using De-Acidite FF-IP resin
The adsorptive potential of De-Acidite FF-IP resin for the removal of nitrate (NO3-) from synthetic as well as commercially available bottled water samples was testified. Ultra-performance liquid chromatogra-phy-mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS) was utilized for detection and determination of NO3-. Optimum NO3- adsorption was observed at pH range 2 to 6. Kinetic studies revealed the applicability of pseudofirst-order kinetic model for analyzed concentration range (100-300 mg/L) while, the equilibration time (25 min) was independent of initial NO3- concentration. The breakthrough capacities in Milli-Q and tap water were 35 and 30 mg/g, respectively.
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