Materials Science Forum, Vol.378-3, 180-185, 2001
The fullest description of the structure of textured metal materials with generalized pole figures: The example of rolled Zr alloys
The method of generalized pole figures, that is distributions of various parameters of X-ray lines depending on the orientation of reflecting crystallographic planes, is very informative in studies of real metal materials, which are characterized usually by the developed texture and the significant substructure inhomogeneity. When taking into account the known models, connecting parameters of X-ray lines with substructure features, the fullest description of the structure of studied materials is attainable, including distributions of substructure conditions, that is grain dispersity, lattice distortion and elastic deformation with signs "+" or "-" along different crystallographic axes depending on the grain orientation. Unique possibilities to systematize observed inhomogeneities are realized by use of correlation diagrams connecting different generalized pole figures. For grains of main texture components the shape and the volume of the unit cell at different stages of technological treatment are determined. Volume fractions of grains with different structure conditions as well as polar distributions of macrostresses at the surfaces of interest are calculated. The efficiency of the method is demonstrated as applied to rolled and annealed plates of Zr-based alloys.