Journal of Food Engineering, Vol.123, 32-35, 2014
Specific heat of apple at different moisture contents and temperatures
This work discusses results of experimental investigations of the specific heat, C, of apple in a wide interval of moisture contents (W = 0-0.9) and temperatures (T = 283-363 K). The obtained data reveal the important role of the bound water in determination of C(W,T) behaviour. The additive model was applied for description of C(W) dependence in the moisture range of 0.1 <= W < 1, where the apple was considered as a mixture of water and hydrated apple material (water plasticised apple) with specific heat C-h. The difference between C-h and specific heat of dry apple, Delta C-b = C-h-C-d, was proposed as a measure of the excess contribution of bound water to the specific heat. The estimated amounts of bound water W-b were comparable with the monolayer moisture content in the apple. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.