Journal of Food Engineering, Vol.86, No.3, 460-464, 2008
Evaluation of lacquered tinplated cans containing octopus in brine by employing X-ray microanalysis and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
Investigation of metal can discoloration, lacquer adhesion failure and side seam steel corrosion in tin plated cans containing cooked octopus in brine was evaluated with X-ray microanalysis (energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, EDS) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The effectiveness of EDS to analyze corrosion defects in metal food containers has been proven already in previous studies carried out in our laboratory. Complementary and/or alternative to sophisticated surface analysis methods, which require advanced and expensive instrumentation, simple and inexpensive quality tests based on EIS were also performed and results are discussed. Obvious alterations of the electrochemical properties of corroded and non-corroded samples (internal can walls and side seam) used as working electrodes in a common three-electrode compartment electrochemical cell can be used for rapid and simple evaluation of corrosion defects in tinplated food cans. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.