Electrophoresis, Vol.34, No.20-21, 3091-3099, 2013
Dipyridyl-immobilized ionic liquid type hybrid silica monolith for hydrophilic interaction electrochromatography
A pyridinium-based immobilized ionic liquid type multifunctional hybrid silica monolith was prepared by the in situ polymerization of 3-chloropropyl-silica matrix and 4,4-dipyridyl for hydrophilic interaction CEC. The obtained hybrid monolith possessed of high stable skeletal microstructures with obviously hydrophilic retention mechanism under ACN content >50% in the mobile phase. Strong and stable anodic EOF could be observed under a broad pH range from pH 3.0 to 9.0. Due to the immobilized dipyridyl groups bonded to the silica matrix surface, the resulting hydrophilic hybrid monolith possessed multiple separation interactions including hydrogen bond, -, and anion exchange. Excellent separations of various polar analytes including electroneutral phenols, charged acid nucleotides, and basic analytes were successfully achieved. The highest column efficiencies up to 120000, 164000, and 106000 plates/m were obtained for nucleotides, nucleic acid bases, and nucleosides and nicotines, respectively. These results demonstrated that the dipyridyl-immobilized ionic liquid functionalized hybrid monolith possessed highly mechanical stability and good chromatographic performance for hydrophilic interaction electrochromatography.
Keywords:Dipyridyl-immobilized ionic liquid;Hybrid monolith;Hydrophilic interaction electrochromatography;Multiple separation