Bioresource Technology, Vol.146, 444-450, 2013
Effect of dilute acid pretreatment on the conversion of barley straw with grains to fermentable sugars
This study investigated the effects of pretreatment conditions, dilute sulfuric acid concentration and treatment time, on the carbohydrate solubility of a mixture of barley straw and grain. The conditions were expressed as combined severity (CS) to evaluate sugar recovery from pretreated samples. Enzymatic hydrolysates from the lignocellulose pretreatment residues were also included to the results. CS was positively correlating with glucose recovery in all conditions, but in higher acid concentrations CS did not predict xylose recovery. It appeared that the residual xylan better indicate the xylose release. An optimal fermentable sugar yield from the mixture of barley straw and grain was obtained by maintaining the CS at around 1.38, corresponding to an overall glucose yield of 96% and a xylose yield of 57%. (c) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.