Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.8, No.3, 517-523, June, 1997
유동층을 이용한 유,무연탄 혼합 연소로에서 대기오염물질 생성과 연소효율 연구
A Study on Production of Air Pollutants and Combustion Efficiency of Anthracite-Bituminous Coal Blend Combustor Using Fluidized Bed
본 연구는 유동층연소로에서 유,무연탄 혼합연소시 대기오염물질 발생과 연소효율에 관하여 실험하였으며, 실험결과는 다음과 같다. 유동층연소로 높이가 증가할수록 이산화황과 질소산화물의 농도는 증가하는 것으로 나타났으며, 무연탄 혼합비가 증가할수록 이산화황의 농도는 증가하였으나 질소산화물농도는 큰 변화가 없었다. 무연탄 혼합비가 증가할수록 비산유출율도 증가하였고 주입 가연성분에 대한 유출 가연성분비도 증가하였다. 또한, 무연탄 혼합비에 관계없이 비산유출입자의 평균입경에 따른 미연분 함량은 미세입자에서 대체로 높게 나타났다. 한편, 연소효율은 층온도 850℃, 과잉공기 20% 이상에서 큰 차이를 보이지 않았으므로 유속 0.3m/s, 층온도 850℃, 과잉공기비 20%의 조건으로 혼합연소시키는 것이 적절한 것으로 나타났다.
We have been studied that combustion efficiency and the production of air pollution of anthracite-bituminous coal blend in a fluidized bed coal combustor. Also, the reaching time of steady state condition have been studied. This experimental results are presented as follows. As the height of fluidized bed combustor becomes higher, the concentrations of SO2 and NOx mainly increased. Also, as anthracite fraction increased, the emission of SO2 concentration was increased but, the variation of NOx concentration was negligible according to anthracite fraction. When anthracite fraction ratio was increased, elutriation rate was increased and exit combustible content over feeding combustible content was increased. Regardless of anthracite fraction ratio the uncombustible weight percentage according to average diameter of elutriation particles were approximately high in the case of fine particles. Over bed temperature 850℃ and excess air 20%, the difference of combution at the velocity 0.3 m/s, bed temperature 850℃, the excess air 20%.
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