Przemysl Chemiczny, Vol.92, No.9, 1663-1665, 2013
Sweet quaternary derivatives of vitamin PP
Five 1-alkoxymetyl-3-carbamoilpyridinium chlorides (alkoxy = BuO, C6H3O, C8H17O, C10H21O or C12H25O) were synthesized by quatemization of nicotinamide with resp. chloromethylalkyl ethers, converted to 1-alkoxymethyl-3-carbamoilpyridinium acesulfames, cyclamates and saccharinates by an ion exchange (yields 79-90%, 85-97%, and 81-86%, resp.). and tested as sweet surfactants. The salts were hydrolyzed at 80 degrees C to det. their thermal stability in aq. solns. 1-Decyloxymethyl-3-carbamoilpyridinium chloride was decompd. in 39% only, while the resp. acesulfame in 62%, cyclamate in 55% and saccharinate in 47%.