Clean Technology, Vol.19, No.3, 320-326, September, 2013
방사선환원법을 이용한 직접메탄올연료전지용(DMFC) 삼성분계촉매(PtRu-Sn/VC, PtRu-Ni/VC)의 합성
Synthesis of Trimetallic (PtRu-Sn/VC, PtRu-Ni/VC) Catalysts by Radiation Induced Reduction for Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC)
방사선환원법을 통해 탄소지지체(Vulcan XC-72®)를 기반으로 한 나노사이즈의 PtRu-Ni/VC와 PtRu-Sn/VC를 합성하였다. 합성된 촉매는 투과전자현미경(transmission electron microscopy, TEM), 주사전자현미경-에너지 분산형 분석기(scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive spectroscopy, SEM-EDS), X선 광전자 분광기(X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, XPS), X선 회절(X-ray diffraction, XRD)을 통해 촉매의 표면과 구조 및 성분에 대해 특성평가 되어졌으며, 촉매 전기화학적 효율 및 안정성 대한 평가를 위하여 산소 환원 반응, 메탄올 산화반응과 CO 흡착 효율을 E-TEK사에서 상용촉매로 판매되는 PtRu/VC® (60 wt% PtRu)와 비교하였으며, 이에 대한 요약은 다음과 같다. 수소 흡.탈착 반응 : PtRu-Sn/VC > PtRu-Ni/VC > PtRu/VC® (E-TEK). 메탄올산화반응 : PtRu-Sn/VC > PtRu-Ni/VC > PtRu/VC® (E-TEK). 단위셀 효율 : PtRu-Sn/VC > PtRu-Ni/VC > PtRu/VC® (E-TEK).
Nano-sized PtRu-Ni/VC and PtRu-Sn/VC electrocatalysts were synthesized by a one-step radiation-induced reduction (RIR) (30 kGy) process using distilled water as the solvent and Vulcan XC-72 as the supporting material. The obtained electrocatalysts were characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscope energy dispersive spectroscopic (SEM-EDS), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), respectively. The catalytic efficiency of electrocatalysts was examined for oxygen reduction, MeOH oxidation and CO stripping decreased in the following order, Hydrogen stripping : PtRu-Sn/VC > PtRu-Ni/VC > PtRu/VC® (E-TEK). MeOH oxidation : PtRu-Sn/VC > PtRu-Ni/VC > PtRu/ VC® (E-TEK). Unit cell performance : PtRu-Sn/VC > PtRu-Ni/VC > PtRu/VC® (E-TEK) catalysts.
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