Przemysl Chemiczny, Vol.92, No.5, 660-663, 2013
Use of additives to bituminous coal for decreasing the SO2 and NOx contents in flue gases from pilot plant with the circulating fluidized bed. Part 1. Addition of raw sodium bicarbonate
Raw NaHCO3 was added to bituminous coal used as solid fuel for combustion in a pilot plant with circulating fluidized bed (0.1 MWt) at 850 degrees C (air flow rate 2.2 m/s). The Na/S mass ratio in the fluid blends was 1-3. the degree of SO2 removal was 93% and of NOx removal 46%. The NH4 salts present in the raw NaHCO3 were decompd. to NH3 and contributed to NOx redn. to N-2.