Combustion Science and Technology, Vol.185, No.1, 17-36, 2013
Combustion of HTPB-Based Solid Fuels Loaded with Coated Nanoaluminum
Nanoaluminum powder (nAl, nominal size of particles 50nm and 100nm), obtained by electrical explosion of wires, was passivated by air and coated by several different protective organic reagents to assess the effects on ballistics of nAl-loaded hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene (HTPB)-based solid fuel with respect to pure HTPB baseline. The nAl samples were characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), BrunauerEmmettTeller (BET), and chemical analysis on active aluminum content (Al degrees) content and added to HTPB-based solid fuels for hybrid propulsion. Combustion tests were carried out burning central-perforated single-port cylindrical samples in a 2D radial burner. Data analysis was performed to obtain a continuous time-resolved regression rate. Coated nAl particles may significantly improve the ballistics of HTPB+nAl formulations burning in gaseous oxygen, with respect to pure HTPB. All investigated formulations with nAl exhibit increase of instantaneous regression rate (up to 89% maximum), depending on coatings and oxidizer mass flux G ox . Fluoroelastomer and fluorine-containing chemicals used for coating show a good compromise between increase in regression rate and low sensitivity to G ox variation under the implemented operating conditions.